Mission Statement:

To keep young people out of the Juevenile Justice System

Missions Verse:

Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

With Ring of Champion's Mentor Program less than 18% of Juveniles return to the Judicial System. Without ring of Champions 50% of Juveniles return to the Judicial System. You truly can make a difference in a child's life.

A Message From our founder: Fatherlessness, The Epidemic of Our Culture

After working with "At Risk Youth" for the past two decades I have come to believe that Fatherlessness is the source of many of the core challenges that we face today. if we could heal the family we could solve a great deal of the crime problem in our country. I realize that “Epidemic" is strong, but they are not strong enough to depict what is going on in our nation and people are not speaking of it. It is politically incorrect to speak of the fatherless epidemic because it infers that a two-parent family is superior to a single parent family. However difficult it is to speak of, it must be addressed because every social problem in our culture from poverty to crime to school shootings have fatherlessness as a major contributing factor. Consider these statistics:

      *63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (Source: U.S. D.H.H.S., Bureau of the Census)
      *90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes
      *85% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes (Source: Center for Disease Control)
      *80% of rapists motivated with displaced anger come from fatherless homes (Source: Criminal Justice & Behavior, Vol. 14, p. 403-26, 1978.)
      *71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes (Source: National Principals Association Report on the State of High Schools.)
      *75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes (Source: Rainbows for all God`s Children.)
      *70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes (Source: U.S. Dept. of Justice, Special Report, Sept 1988)
      *85% of all youths sitting in prisons grew up in a fatherless home (Source: Fulton Co. Georgia jail populations, Texas Dept. of Corrections 1992)

1930, Fatherless First Seen as Connected to Crime

We have known the link between fatherlessness and crime for 80 years. If we do not face
the problem head on we cannot begin to solve it.

The following quote is from an article that was written in 1930 when less than 3% of children lived in a fatherless home.

‘With the establishment of juvenile courts in the United States around 1900 and the compilation of social statistics on youth who were brought before these courts, it struck observers that 40% to 50% of all delinquent children came from broken homes. Since it was far beyond normal expectancy that such a proportion of all youth was similarly disadvantaged, early writers saw broken homes to be an important, if not the greatest single proximate (causal) factor in understanding juvenile delinquency.’ G. B. Mangold, Problems of Child Welfare (New York: Macmillan Co., 1930), p. 406; Mabel Rhoades

   Year                                                        Fatherless Birth Rate
   Year I was born 1956                             3%
   1981 My First son was born                  28%
   Today                                                     Over 50%

Relationships are God’s highways to Healing

The answer to the problems that are caused by fatherlessness are not found by passing a law or passing out more checks. A problem that is caused by the loss of a primary relationship – e.g. a missing Dad — must be addressed and solved, by the establishment of new, positive personal relationships. Governments can do some things well, but creating warm personal relationships is not one of them. Creating loving personal relationships and wholeness where there is brokenness is the fundamental call of Ring of Champions.